Music City Live - Episode 24 – Feat. Brian Smith

Welcome to another episode of Music City Live! 🎤 

In this episode we discuss Brian’s journey with his early life in Music, the bands he was a part of that shaped him in music and his years as a booking agent where he booked many bands across Ontario. Giving us a perspective as to the life of an agent and how things change from the 60’s to 2000’s.

Don't forget to share this video to spread the inspiration and tune in to Music City Live, where the stories behind the music come to life! 🎶✨ 

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Brian in the Rolling Stones Tribute Voodoo Lounge | Voodoo Lounge Stones tribute Gimme Shelter

Mentions in the Episode

#canadianmusic #musicartist #singersongwriter #podcast #canadianmusicscene #canadianmusicscene #musiccitycanada #musiccitylive #live #musicartist #musician #canada #lovemusic

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