Shipping & Delivery
In London? Visit our showroom during regular business hours. If you are visiting us online, we have Free Local & National Delivery available on most order (Some restrictions apply)
Service/Repair: We have a full service and repair department to help you service your gear. Please contact us either by calling the store, or email to schedule a drop-off appointment.
Guitar Shop/Repairs: We also have a full guitar repair shop for everything from complete rebuilds and refinishing to just a guitar setup or string change. We have full time guitar techs on staff 6 days a week to answer your questions. All guitars shipped by Music City Canada goes through this shop before shipping so you love even more the guitar you order.
Rentals: If you are in need of rental equipment, rest assured we can help you out! Come on in to see us or call the store today to book your rental. Pickup is available, or we also offer delivery services for all rental gear. Contact us today for full details!