Audix OM3 Wired Vocal Microphone (RENTAL)
Audix OM3 Wired Vocal Microphone (RENTAL)
Audix OM3 Wired Vocal Microphone (RENTAL)
Audix OM3 Wired Vocal Microphone (RENTAL)

Audix OM3 Wired Vocal Microphone (RENTAL)

Regular price
Save $-4.00

*Price is per day, each additional day adds 25% of the price.

Call To Reserve! 519-659-5030 Contact our Rental Team to book this item!
Please Note: Valid Ontario government-issued ID & a Credit Card is required at pickup.

Like all pressure-gradient cardioid microphones, the Audix OM-3xb exhibits a proximity effect when used close up, so the bass response has been rolled off to partially compensate. Used very close to the mouth, the mic still demonstrates a noticeable bass rise with a response extending below 40Hz, whereas using it at a distance of half a metre or so leads to a degree of bass cut. By changing the mic to source distance, a useful amount of tonal change can be brought about without having to resort to external EQ. Mind you, this is true of virtually all dynamic cardioids and hypercardioids, but it's a point worth making nonetheless.